To troubleshoot when the report is blank or missing large chunks of data.
There can be a variety of issues that can lead to a report missing some or all data. Some common causes include:
- Incorrect Report Parameters
- Unlicensed Users
- Logging Issues
- Data Grid Errors
- Overutilization of memory (RAM)
- Network Issues
- Server Issues
- Disk space
- Past Users on the report
Use the steps below to help diagnose the source of the missing data.
Check Report Parameters
Chronicall will remember whatever settings you had configured the last time you ran this report. It is important to verify the basic and advanced parameters each time you run a report, to verify it is not limiting your query. Here is an article detailing the report parameters in more detail.
Check for Unlicensed Users
Each user must be licensed for their call data to be stored inside Chronicall. If a report seems incomplete or the numbers don't seem to match the PBX system reports, it's possible that not all agents are licensed properly within Chronicall.
- View your licensed users via User Manager >> Licenced Users
Check Cradle To Crave
Place A Test Call
- Place a test call to see if it is logging the agent's test call correctly inside Cradle to Grave or Call Detail View.
- If the test call is still not logging, and the agent is licensed, see our Uncharted Call Flow for additional troubleshooting steps.
- If Chronciall is not currently not logging, follow the Not Logging Troubleshooting Flow based on your PBX system to diagnose your logging issues.
Look For Gaps
- Is any data missing for the selected time frame?
- If yes, review the Data Grid status
Check Data Grid
- Check for Data Grid Issues via the Bell in the top right of the Chronicall home screen.
- If there is a Data Grid error showing when you click on the Bell, check it against the below linked articles.
- End any rogue data grid process after stopping the Chronicall database service (extra postgres processes) then restart the Database Services on the Chronicall server. Only restart services when you are ok with a temporary data loss, and if you are not a Multimedia customer.
- Datagrid not connected error.
- Error: Internal executor rejected task.
- End any rogue data grid process after stopping the Chronicall database service (extra postgres processes) then restart the Database Services on the Chronicall server. Only restart services when you are ok with a temporary data loss, and if you are not a Multimedia customer.
Check Tomcat
- Check the tomcat log files on the Chronicall server to determine why the logging stopped. Also, check for missed packet errors her which point to issues on your local network.
- Location of tomcat Logs
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Xima Software\Chronicall\tomcat\logs
- C:\Program Files\Chronicall\tomcat\logs
- var/lib/Xima\ Software/Chronicall/tomcat/logs
- Location of tomcat Logs
Check Chronicall Services
- Research if services were stopped due to a server restart or another reason around the start of the outage.
Check for Memory Issues
- Check for memory (RAM) issues. If the server runs low on memory, it can cause a crash on the Chronicall services. Here you can review how to upgrade the memory associated with Chronicall.
Check for Network Issues
- Check for Network Issues or errors. Connectivity issues with the PBX server, such as an IP address change, firewall changes, missed packets, or TFTP errors will cause Chronicall to not log any new calls or miss capturing all call logs.
Check for Past Users
- If you have any past users on the report this can return blank results when running the report.
- You can double check the Users on a report by selecting the ellipses on the Agent / Role line
- Then select the Past Users... button
- Now you should see any Past Users that are breaking your report. You may need to use the Query More button to find additional Past Users
- Uncheck the Past Users and then select OK