Dependent on your issues, Chronicall and/or Cisco Unified Communication Manager (CUCM) may not be configured correctly. The following Checklist will give insight into what to check for. The Steps proceeding will show where to go and what to configure. Keeping that in mind, settings that may alter the stability of the CUCM will not be modified by Xima Support.
If your issue is with recordings instability, follow this guide
Tips for Identifying Point of Failure
When trying to identify the point of failure, review the following from the Chronicall Recording Library Server & Chronicall Server (They can be located on the same machine);
- Tomcat Logs:
- On the Chronicall Server, navigate to C:\Program Files\Chronicall\tomcat\logs and open the most recent server_roll.log or server_start.log file. In that log, you will be looking for the following (Note, to see the following out put in the logs you must enable the log filter: "Cisco Recording Info"):
Request BYE received at SipRecorder with call-id f0166080-bd3128ce-23e0a7-b101060a@192.168.0.XXX (
2019-01-01 00:00:00.000 [Cisco_Recording] - processRequest (BYE): (
2018-01-01 00:00:00.000 [Cisco_Recording] Request Content:
BYE sip:9000@10.0.0.XXX:5070 SIP/2.0
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP 192.168.0.XXX:5070;branch=z9hG4bK2ea9dd8b3b0f7
From: "LICENSED CHRONICALL USER" <sip:5555@192.168.0.XXX;x-farend;x-refci=36383973;x-nearendclusterid=StandAloneCluster;x-nearenddevice=SEPXXXXXXXXXXX;x-nearendaddr=55555;x-farendrefci=36383930;x-farendclusterid=StandAloneCluster;x-farenddevice=TI_ATL_VGW_01;x-farendaddr=+15558675309>;tag=22042101~612d2df3-05a3-47ab-b86d-45496ccf71f9-36383983
To: <sip:5750@>;tag=afb159a2
Date: Mon, 01 Jan 2019 00:00:00 GMT
Call-ID: f0166080-bd3128ce-23e0a7-b101060a@192.168.0.XXX
User-Agent: Cisco-CUCM10.5
Max-Forwards: 70
CSeq: 102 BYE
Reason: Q.850;cause=16
Content-Length: 0
- This log indicates that Chronicall is successfully engaged into the BIB and is listening for calls it needs to be recording. If phones are not properly configured or the BIB for Chronicall is not properly configured, these logs will not populate. If that is the case, please proceed with the steps/tips below. To identify if a call is processing correctly, locate the following in this log snippet;
- FROM: This line is indicating the phone/user that is needing to be recorded. In this line, we see their extension, their phone's unique IP address & other miscellaneous metadata
- If your logging only shows a handful of agents instead of more, this is likely to do with a hidden issue either within the configuration of the BIB or the CUCM itself. In that case, please reach out to Cisco Tech for further assistance.
- This log indicates that Chronicall is successfully engaged into the BIB and is listening for calls it needs to be recording. If phones are not properly configured or the BIB for Chronicall is not properly configured, these logs will not populate. If that is the case, please proceed with the steps/tips below. To identify if a call is processing correctly, locate the following in this log snippet;
- Attempt to dial the Built-In-Bridge extension created by Chronicall. If you do not know what this extension number is, it can be located by opening Chronicall and looking under Admin (System) -> System Settings -> Cisco UCM (site 1) -> Recording Configuration. If dialing this extension does not connect and produce a .ul file under C:\Program Files\Chronicall\Recording Library\live on the Recording Library Server, there may be an issue with the configuration. Proceed to the steps below for further guidance.
Chronicall Settings
After logging into Chronicall & the CUCM Web Admin page, check the following under Admin (System) -> System Settings -> Cisco UCM (site 1);
- Enable Call Recording: Is this set to true?
- Recording Profile Name: Does this match what is in the CUCM under Device -> Device Settings -> Recording Profile?
- Recording SIP Trunk Name: Does this match what is in the CUCM under Device -> Trunk?
- Recording Configuration;
- Automatically add selected agents to default recording rule: If you intend on using a simple "record at all times" rule to record your agents, checking this will ease the process of ensuring your agents are recorded at all times
- Chronicall Recorder Extension: Does this match what is under Call Routing -> Route/Hunt -> Route Pattern?
- Chronicall Recorder Listen Port: Does this match what is under Device -> Trunk -> <Chronicall Recording Trunk> -> SIP Information -> Destination Port?
- Chronicall Recorder Outgoing Transport: Is this set to TCP or UDP?
- Recording Libraries (1 Configured)
- Cisco/VRTX - Recording Library 1 <IP.Address.of.RL>: Check your IP address for the listed Recording Library. We want this IP address to match with what the full IP address that Recording Library is using. You cannot use localhost/!
- ***NOTE***If you have Chronicall and Recording Library installed on separate machines, make sure you set the IP address of the Chronicall Server and Recording Library Server respectively
- Recording Rules: If you are using the Default rule, make sure the respective agents are enabled here to be recorded. The Default rule will record all conversations at any given point if the respective agent is added. If you wish a more custom rule, please refer to our Manage Recording Rules guide for information & context on that.
- Cisco/VRTX - Recording Library 1 <IP.Address.of.RL>: Check your IP address for the listed Recording Library. We want this IP address to match with what the full IP address that Recording Library is using. You cannot use localhost/!
If at this point all settings appear correct and correspond to the respective information, enable "Always Show Enable Unassociated Recordings" under our Hidden Advanced Settings (hold the Shift key and click "Advanced Settings". If more data populates in Call Detail View with "Call Recorded" as the only identifier to the Call-ID, this may indicate additional issues. Please reach out to Xima Support.
CUCM Settings
In our Manual Configuration guide, we go over the full settings/configuration in depth. Here's what we need to check on the CUCM side.
- SIP Trunk Security Profile: Under the CUCM Web Admin System > Security Profile > SIP Trunk Security Profile, do we have a Profile for Chronicall matching the following;
- Device Security Mode set to Non-Secure
- Incoming Transport Type set to TCP+UDP.
- Outgoing Transport Type set to UDP or TCP (Needs to Match Chronicall).
- Digest Authentication Disabled
- Incoming Port set to 5070 or whatever is set in Chronicall under Admin (System) -> System Settings -> Cisco UCM (site 1) -> Recording Configuration
- SIP Trunk: Under the CUCM Web Admin Device > Trunk, check the following;
- Device Name will need to be noted for later use
- Destination Address needs to match the Chronicall Recording Library Server IP Address
- Destination Port needs match 5070 or whatever was configured in Chronicall
- SIP Trunk Security Profile needs to match what was previously noted
**If you have multiple Chronicall Recording Library Servers, ensure a unique SIP Trunk & SIP Trunk Security Profile has been created for each unique IP address.**
- Recording Profile: Under the CUCM Web Admin Device > Device Settings > Recording Profile, check the following;
- Profile name matches what is under System Settings in Chronicall under Cisco UCM (site 1)
- Destination address:
- A) Matches what is in Chronicall under the System Settings -> Cisco UCM (site 1) -> Recording Configuration -> Chronicall Recorder Extension
- B) This number does not collide with what is currently under Call Routing -> Directory Number
- Route Group: Under the CUCM Web Admin Call Routing > Route/Hunt > Route Group, check the following;
- Route Group for Chronicall Recorder is present
- The Route Group has the Distribution Algorithm set to Top Down.
- Route Group for Chronicall Recorder is present
- Route List: Under the CUCM Web Admin Call Routing > Route/Hunt > Route List, check the following;
- Chronicall Recorder Route List is present
- Route list for Chronicall has the correct CUCM Group set under Route List information
- Chronicall Recorder Route List is present
- Route Pattern: Under the CUCM Web Admin Call Routing > Route/Hunt > Route List, check the following;
- Chronicall Route Pattern is present
- Route Pattern value is the same as what was listed in the Chronicall Recording profile previously listed
- Route List is the same as what was previously listed.
- Chronicall Route Pattern is present
- Unsupported Codecs Disabled & Built-in-Bridge Enabled: Under the CUCM Web Admin System > Service Parameter -> Publisher or Subscriber that will be recording calls (typically the Publisher) -> Service (Cisco CallManager (Active)), check the following:
- Built-In-Bridge enabled?
- ***Warning, enabling this (if not already enabled) Under the CUCM Web Admin will cause phones to restart and can disconnect active calls.***
- iLBC and iSAC codecs are not Enabled for All Devices
- If they are enabled, modify it to be Enabled for All Devices Except Recording-Enabled Devices
- Built-In-Bridge enabled?
- Enable Recording For Each Phone that needs to be Recorded: Under the CUCM Web Admin Call Routing > Directory Number, check the following
- Under the selected Directory numbers, navigate to Associated Devices.
- Click the device that needs to be configured and select Edit Line Appearance
- Scroll down to the line-specific settings and select Automatic Call Recording Enabled as the value for Recording Profile
- Also, select the Recording Profile that was configured previously.
- Under the selected Directory numbers, navigate to Associated Devices.