Whenever Chronicall fails to log, there is the likelihood of variation to logging (partial based off an agent, partial based off the entire center, not logging at all, etc). To identify where the failure is, follow the guide below!
To start the diagnosis, open Chronicall and navigate to the bell in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
If it looks like this , you may skip to Partial Logging.
If it looks like this , please start with the following steps:
Not Logging
NOTE: If checking the status icon (bell) showed an "Unregistered Serial Key" error, please navigate to our Unregistered Serial Key article for further Troubleshooting.
- If the status icon noted that the CDR was not logging, start with step 1 and proceed.
- If the status icon noted the TSAPI was not logging, start with step 1, then proceed to step 4
- Be sure to check your Chronicall CM and (if applicable) AES logins
- Our installation process calls for the creation of Logins to the applicable servers
- Links can be found below:
- Navigate to Admin (System) > System Settings > Communication Manager (site 1) then check the following for accuracy:
- Respective IP addresses (green)
- If this is incorrect and you do not know the correct IP Addresses, please contact your PBX provider for that information
- User & Password entered in the applicable fields (blue)
- If this is incorrect, refer to the documentation posted at the top of the page for configuring users
- To check this, navigate to the respective IP addresses and attempt to login using those credentials. If they fail, correct the inconsistency.
- Tlink (red)
- If this is incorrect, follow our link for configuring the AES Server and scroll down to step 7 of that section
- If this is incorrect, follow our link for configuring the AES Server and scroll down to step 7 of that section
- Respective IP addresses (green)
- Check your CDR configuration. If that is correct, continue below
- If the information above is correct, open your Hidden Advanced Settings (Shift + Left-click on Advanced Settings)
- Review the CDR Port
- Check this against your Remote Port in your ASA console and type
change ip-services
.- If these are inconsistent with each other, make the necessary correction
- If this is correct, continue on below
- While in the ASA Console under
change ip-services
, check "Reliable Protocol"- Disable this setting if it is enabled, otherwise continue
- Check your CDR Link Status
- While in the Avaya Site Administrator Console, type status cdr-link.
- If the cdr link Chronicall is using is up, proceed to the next step.
- If the link Chronicall is using is not up, type
busyout cdr-link
- Include primary or secondary, depending on which link is being used
- Then type
release cdr-link
- Include primary or secondary, depending on which link is being used
- Check CTI-Link Status in the AES
- In the AES web-page, navigate to Status on the left-hand side of the page
- If the status is down, reach out to the PBX vendor as the next portion of bringing that online as this may affect active calls at the time.
- For both services, ensure Chronicall is able to successfully establish a connection to the respective servers.
- Check for any firewall/antivirus interaction with Chronicall
- If there is found to be none, please reach out to Xima Support
Partial Logging
- If the system is logging but seems to be missing an agent and their logging details, proceed to Step 1.
- If the system is logging from all agents but seems to be missing chunks of data in Cradle to Grave, proceed to step 2 and proceed from there.
- If you are missing agents within Chronicall, check the "Licensed Users" section under User Management.
- Here, try to locate the user in question
- NOTE: Chronicall will list users (stations & agents) alphabetically
- Here, try to locate the user in question
- If the user in question is not easily located, check within the ASA console as to how their user information is displayed by running a
List Station/List Agent
command- Once located, enable that user by placing a check next to their name under "Licensed Users".
- If they are not present, navigate to User Management and select Refresh Users and Groups
- Once completed, check "Licensed Users" again
- If they still do not show up, review the latest Tomcat server log or conduct an SMS Test using the AES's SMS Test Page
- You can reach out to your PBX vendor for further assistance running this test.
- Windows default tomcat locations:
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Xima Software\Chronicall\tomcat\logs
- C:\Program Files\Chronicall\tomcat\logs
- Linux default tomcat locations:
- /var/lib/Xima \Software/Chronicall/tomcat/logs
- /var/lib/Chronicall/tomcat/logs.
- In the logs, query the term "SOAP Fault"
- Depending on the exception, this may require the assistance of Avaya CM/Aura support in diagnosing causation
- As long as the credentials for the CM are correctly entered into Chronicall, the service should be able to connect.
- If the agents have been added as licensed users, but are still not showing relevant data in Chronicall, check the TSAPI License Allocation & License count under Admin (System) > System Settings > Communication Manager (site 1)
- Here, you will see Max TSAPI Licenses (red) that were set up in the initial configuration
- If that number has increased or decreased, correct the inconsistency
- The relevant stations will populate under TSAPI License Assignment (blue).
- Ensure the station/ACD Group you wish to monitor is selected under this area
- NOTE: You should only need to enable the ACD group if the environment is non-EAS
- NOTE: You should only need to enable the ACD group if the environment is non-EAS
- Here, you will see Max TSAPI Licenses (red) that were set up in the initial configuration
- Ensure your CM is up to date on the latest patch available
- If your CM is on an inferior version compared to your AES, this may potentially cause issues with being able to log all events when connected to the AES.