Utilizing a network database migration can greatly decrease the amount of time a server migration will take because no backups are required. The data is directly imported to the new Chronicall/ACR install with the old database being unchanged.
NOTE: This will only work when upgrading from 3.12.6a to 4.4+ and will only migrate the database. Recording library instances will still need to be transferred manually.
NOTE: In order to properly migrate, each server will need to be able to communicate with each other across the network.
- Install your 4.4+ instance of Chronicall/ACR on the desired server
- On the old 3.12.6a server, save the settings.xml and resource folder as they will still need to be transferred manually
- The resource folder can usually be found here:
- Windows
C:\Program Files (x86)\Xima Software\Chronicall\tomcat\webapps\ROOT
C:\Program Files\Avaya Call Reporting\tomcat\webapps\ROOT
- Linux
/var/lib/Xima\ Software/Chronicall/tomcat/webapps/ROOT
/var/lib/Avaya\ Call\ Reporting/tomcat/webapps/ROOT
- Windows
- The settings.xml can usually be found here:
- Windows
C:\Program Files (x86)\Xima Software\Chronicall\
C:\Program Files\Chronicall\
C:\Program Files\Avaya Call Reporting
- Linux
/var/lib/Xima\ Software/Chronicall
/var/lib/Avaya\ Call\ Reporting
- Windows
- The resource folder can usually be found here:
- On the 4.4+ version of Chronicall/ACR navigate to Admin (System) > Chronicall/Avaya Call Recording Backup/Restore
- Select "Migrate Data to Chronicall/Avaya Call Reporting version 4.4+"
- Enter the IP address and port of the old server you are migrating the data from
- Stop Chronicall/ACR service on the new server and replace the settings.xml and resource folder in their respected directories
- This will allow Chronicall/ACR to log new data while the database is still migrating
- Start the Chronicall/ACR service back up again
Potential Errors
- java.lang.RuntimeException: Error! You are missing your encryption key! Please find your encryption key in a backed-up settings file and restore it to your current settings.xml file
- We have seen this error occur on a 3.12 install, that did not have the line below in the Chronicall's settings.xml. You can pull this line from a healthy settings.xml or a settings.bak
- It should look like this. An example with the encryption key blanked out to xx's is below as well, but your actual encryption key should be a mix of numbers and letters. Copy and paste it from a healthy settings.xml or settings.bak file
- Example below
<setting key="encryption.key.aes.256" value="v2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"/>