With our support of the Avaya OEM, it is imperative that our partners loop Avaya into the process from the very beginning. The best way to do this is by having them create an SR Ticket and linking it's info to their Zendesk tickets.
Have the partner navigate to the https://support.avaya.com/ and follow the steps below
- Have the partner login using their Avaya SSO account
- Once logged in, navigate to the Service/Parts Requests tab and select the "Create Service Request"
- Fill out the "Create a Service Request" page
- "What would you like to do?"
- Select "Get help to Fix my product"
- This is usually the Default selection anyways
- "Enter the Product Name"
- Start typing "Avaya Call Reporting" and it should provide a dropdown that you can select
- "Describe the Problem or Question?"
- Include a basic description here
- Click the "Continue" button
- Next, select the "Create SR" button
- "What would you like to do?"
- The partner should have all of the relevant data to fill out the next page, thought they may not have the serial number. That serial is the ACR serial that we use for the software, found under Help > About Avaya Call Reporting
- When they fill out the "Find your Sold To" it should help auto-complete some of the other fields
- When they fill out the "Find your Sold To" it should help auto-complete some of the other fields
- Once this page is complete and the SR submitted, it should give them the information that we require to fill out the bottom half of Xima's Zendesk information