You will need the following: your own domain, the SSL certificate, the private key, and access to your domain DNS settings.
- Enable SSL on the Chronicall/ACR server, restart the service
- Ensure the auto-generated Domain is working before moving on
- Navigate to Admin (System) >System Settings > Basic Settings > SSL Proxy Configuration
- Change "Configure SSL Proxy Manually" to "True"
- Edit the settings.xml file found in the Chronicall/ACR path and change the <dns-record> field to your own domain name
- The settings.xml file can usually be found:
- Windows
C:\Program Files (x86)\Xima Software\Chronicall
C:\Program Files\Chronicall
C:\Program Files\Avaya Call Reporting
- Linux
/var/lib/Avaya Call Reporting
- Windows
- The settings.xml file can usually be found:
- NOTE: Make a copy of the nginx folder in the Chronicall/ACR at this time, in case you need to roll back
- In <path>/Chronicall/nginx/conf replace the "fullchain.pem" and "privkey.pem" with your own certificate and private key
- The certificate should be named "fullchain.pem"
- The private key should be named "privkey.pem"
- Edit the file <path>/Chronicall/nginx/conf.d/chronicall.conf by replacing all references to the auto-generated domain name with your own domain name.
- Ensure that the IP addresses in here are correct as well, although they should be correct if it was working in step 1
- Ensure that the IP addresses in here are correct as well, although they should be correct if it was working in step 1
- Update your domain DNS settings so that the domain will resolve the Chronicall IP address.
- For example, in Amazon AWS you would edit the Route 53.
- Restart the Chronicall service
NOTE: If there are still problems after these steps, you may need to manually kill and then restart the nginx process. Kill the nginx, then start it again in <path>/Chronicall/nginx/ using the nginx.exe file
- You can test whether nginx is running by navigating in a browser to
or by checking your windows processes- localhost:80 will reveal a "Welcome to Nginx!" page
- You may need to provide some time for the DNS to propagate through the network
- You can do an immediate test by changing your host file to resolve the Domain name to the IP Address.