Before attempting this, please coordinate with a CUCM certified technician to ensure all steps are performed correctly. Xima will not assist in the configuration of the PBX in this manner.
When building users within CUCM that are to be logged by Chronicall, there are a few key best practices that are recommended to be followed for success. Deviations from this recommendation will not result in Ideal logging and will not be privy to custom builds from Xima to resolve the behavior. Follow the steps below for best logging.
- After logging into your Cisco UCM Web Console, navigate to Call Routing -> Directory Number (DN)
- Once you have navigated to Find and List Directory Numbers, either select Find or Add New to modify a current user or add a new DN
- Upon adding a new DN, or selecting one to modify, ensure the Description, Alerting name, and ASCII Alerting Name, all reflect the new user.
- Navigate to User Management -> End User
- Once you have navigated to Find and List Users, either select Find or Add New to modify a current user or add a new user
- If modifying a current user, locate that specific end-user and proceed to the next step. If adding a new user, proceed to the next step.
- Under the first section that appears in End User Configuration, provide a User ID, Last Name, First Name, and Display Name in the relevant fields. Please note, these will need to be related to each other. Example below:
- After you have entered this information, Save the configuration so far and proceed to Device Information. There, select Device Association
- After opening User Device Association, select Find and locate the device that the user will be utilizing on the PBX. After selecting that device, Save Selected/Changes. Once saved, select Go next to Back to User in the upper-right corner
**You will now see the selected device added to your controlled devices
**Note: The 1st line of the device you select will be what will be available as the primary extension of that user. This will also be the primary extension associated to that user. Example below: - Select Save and navigate to Device -> Phone
- Once you are on the Find and List Phones page, select Find and select the device you wish to configure.
- In the Phone Configuration page, modify the Description, Owner User ID (not pictured) and make sure that Line 1 is the Users' DN (not a Shared Line)
Xima does not advocate the usage of Shared Line Appearance as this throws off a lot of our logging. If using shared line, please ensure the DN of the Shared Line is not listed as the primary on either the User or the Phone you are monitoring. Chronicall was certified as a Cisco Product using Hunt Lists. Information on configuring those can be found by clicking here
For additional context on the Cisco Product Certification, please note the attached PDF
***Pro Tip***
If following the previously listed configuration does not yield successful results, there may be a dependency conflict on the phone itself. To check that, you will need to enable 'Dependency Records' system wide on the CUCM itself (note that doing so will increase processing and memory consumption on the CUCM itself).
Under the device/phone in question, navigate to the drop down for "Related Links" in the upper right corner and change it to 'Dependency Records' after enabling the feature on the CUCM.
As you can see, we have multiple conflicts for this one device under Directory Number Association & End-User association. Because of this, Chronicall would not be able to read the events of this phone logically. Remove the conflicts and refresh Chronicall's users and groups (instructions here)