Inaccurate Data in Chronicall?
Is there missing or incomplete call data in Chronicall Cradle to Grave or Realtime? This can range from calls appearing cut short in Cradle to Grave or Agents getting stuck on events in Realtime Statistics. This may mean the site is experiencing packet loss. The most common cause of this is Chronicall is using the IP Office Monitor to log call data from the phone system. In most of these cases, losing packets does not mean that the network is faulty or there is some other hardware problem. IP Office Monitor uses a UDP protocol for transmitting data and this protocol is unfortunately flawed. Below is an explanation on packet loss via Monitor and why DevLink 3 was created with IP Office R10.
Packet Loss in Monitor Streams
We have historically seen this issue many times, especially in distributed environments. The site isn't doing anything wrong, and the network isn't bad, the problem is with the underlying protocol used to connect to IP Office in R9. Before IP Office 10.0 our only option was to connect to IP Office over a UDP connection which is inherently unreliable. The problems caused by connecting over UDP rather than TCP could not be solved with code, they required changing the underlying layer 4 protocol which could only be done by the publisher of the API (Avaya).
As Server Edition and distributed IP Office deployments became more widespread these ongoing connectivity issues became more problematic. Eventually Avaya responded to Xima's many requests for a new, more suitable, connection mechanism and Avaya collaborated with Xima to create a new API that overcomes these limitations. Avaya released their solution to this problem in IP Office 10.0 with the introduction of the DevLink3 API. This new API uses the reliable TCP protocol as opposed to UDP and was specifically designed for larger deployments. The unequivocal solution to the problem is the DevLink3 API. We have exhausted our avenues looking for alternatives and we are confident that DevLink3 is the correct (and only) solution.