On Avaya CM, an AES acts as a go-between Chronicall & the CM server itself. However, some sites may not have an AES. This makes the process of uploading users a little different.
Setup For Reference
Referencing our guide on exporting VDN's, Vectors, Stations, Hunt Groups and Agents, We will be using the same tool post-installation as well:
Here, we will be exporting .txt files to upload our necessary fields to complete the task. To Export, do the following:
- Open a GEDI connection to your Communication Manager
- Run a "list" command to query our necessary data.
- Go to File → Export
- Choose a location for the export file and hit OK. You'll want to put all of the exports in a directory together and name them well to make it easy to find them when Chronicall asks for them.
- You'll need to repeat these steps for each of the following commands, which will result in 5 files total.
list vdn
list vector
list hunt-group
list station
list agent-loginID
You'll need all 5 of these documents to complete the task. If you do not obtain all 5, you will encounter an error.
- If you don't utilize some of these (i.e. you're in a non-EAS (expert agent selection) environment and don't use Agent ID's), you still need the file with column headers.
- That only requires a slight modification of checking the "Export column titles on first row?" box.
- Review the screenshot below for context: