Chronicall works great with the default Trunk Group numbers and the TAC (Trunk Access Code) number doesn't change by default, as they normally mirror each other. If the TAC is manually changed, Chronicall will not be able to associate the audio recordings with the call in Cradle to Grave.
We need to adjust the Trunk Configuration to see both the Trunk Group and the TAC number.
Verify Group Numbers
Log into GEDI and use the command below.
list trunk-group
The trunk Group Number as shown below under the Trunk Grp No. is a bundle of channels. There can be 3 or 4 channel groups in a single trunk Group Number.
For example, trunk Group Number 13 could have 2 channel rangers, 1-23 and 45-68. You can ask the Avaya CM engineer how to determine the number of channels per group for reference.
The TAC normally matches the Trunk Group Number by default, but it is possible the site has manually changed this. Follow the below steps to see if this is a relevant issue for you.
Verify Trunk Numbers In C2G
Log into Cradle to Grave in Chronicall. On the Cradle to Grave screen, right click on the column titles above, and enable the Trunk column to be viewed.
As shown in the screen below, this call happened on TAC Group 73, and was part of Trunk Group Number 13 per Avaya CM.
From here we can tell that we need to add the TAC of 73 to the Trunk Configuration as it has been changed from the default of 13.
Add TAC To Trunk Configuration
Navigate to Admin (System) > System Settings.
From here, select Recording Libraries > Trunk Configuration (...).
On the Trunk Configuration page select Add
Add the additional TAC so that Chronicall can log properly. Then select OK, then Save on the previous screen.
We added TAC 73 as shown below it in as its own unique trunk group, and it started associating calls as intended.
As shown below, the first recording did not associate, but after we made the change it associated properly.
You may need to restart the Recording Library service to kick the changes into effect if they don't take right away.