For Chronicall Version 3.6.50 and later custom reports that were built on the reporting 2.0 engine can be upgraded to the new reporting 3.0 engine. Upgraded reports, as well as reports built in the new reporting engine, will see faster execution times. We will go over how to upgrade an existing custom report to the new reporting 3.0 engine.
To upgrade an old report follow these instructions:
Keep in mind that the original report will remain on the system until you manually delete it. In order to differentiate between the new reports and the old ones, you can look at the report icon.
Any reports built prior to Chronicall 3.6.50 are using the old reporting engine.
When you update Chronicall it doesn't always automatically update your legacy reports depending on the parameters that are in use.
Follow the steps below to upgrade any legacy reports to our new report engine.
Identify Legacy Reports
Please note that the old reports will still be present on your system, with the original titles as shown below.
- Notice the orange tint on the legacy report, and below it is the upgraded version.
Please make sure that you run the report with the blue icon for optimal results.
- If you wish you can delete the old reports and rename the upgraded ones at your convenience once you have verified it works.
Upgrade Legacy Reports
- Right click on the report and select "Upgrade Report".
- Go to the Chronicall home page, and select "Run/Edit Report".
- Search for the new report, it will be titled "Upgraded [Report Name]". You can right-click the report to delete it once you verify the new report works.