Issue Description
Chronicall requires a 32 bit java path in the data grid. When this path is changed due to an update or an auto-update, Chronicall has no path to look towards.
Applicable Systems
- Avaya IPO
Applicable Chronicall Versions
- <3.9.5
Applicable Operating Systems
- Windows Server
Due to an update of Java, Chronicall is still looking at the old Java path and needs to be directed to the new path.
1. Navigate to Chronicall's DataGrid directory at C:\Program Files (x86)\Xima Software\Chronicall\bin\.
2. Right click ChronicallDataGrid.exe and run as Administrator
3. Check and set that the Java path is either set to default or pointed at the most recent 32 bit jvm.dll localtion inside the Java folder.
4. Save it and restart the Chronicall services.