I was working with a customer that had Chronicall running for around 4 years, and they had about 32 GB of Tomcat logs. They wanted to know if we they could delete them to make room on the server.
Note: It is recommended you keep at least the last two weeks of logs incase any troubleshooting is needed.
Yes, you can delete older Tomcat .txt logs if they are taking up too much room. I would recommend keeping recent ones in the case any recent issues need to be diagnosed.
- Log onto the Chornicall server, and navigate to one of the below file paths to review logs that may no longer be needed
- 32 Bit - Chronicall
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Xima Software\Chronicall\tomcat\logs (Chronicall Troubleshooting Logs)
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Xima Software\Chronicall\logs for .xml (Raw .xml logs from PBX)
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Xima Software\Chronicall\bin\app (.hprof memory dump logs)
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Xima Software\Chronicall\recording library\logs (Logs from Recording Library if you use voice recording)
- 64 Bit
- Chronicall
- C:\Program Files\Chronicall\tomcat\logs (Chronicall Troubleshooting Logs)
- C:\Program Files\Chronicall\logs (Raw .xml logs from PBX)
- C:\Program Files\Chronicall\recordinglibrary\logs (Logs from Recording Library if you use voice recording)
- Avaya Call Reporting
- C:\Program Files\Avaya Call Reporting\tomcat\logs (Chronicall Troubleshooting Logs)
- C:\Program Files\Avaya Call Reporting\logs (Raw .xml logs from PBX)
- C:\Program Files\Avaya Call Reporting\recordinglibrary\logs (Logs from Recording Library if you use voice recording)
- Chronicall
- Multimedia Server
- 32 Bit - Chronicall
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Xima Software\Chronicall\multimedia\logs (Multimedia Troubleshooting Logs)
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Xima Software\Chronicall\multimedia\bin\app (.hprof memory dump logs)
- 64 Bit
- Chronicall
- C:\Program Files\Chronicall\multimedia\logs (MultimediaTroubleshooting Logs)
- C:\Program Files\Chronicall\multimedia\bin\app (.hprof memory dump logs)
- Avaya Call Reporting
- C:\Program Files\Avaya Call Reporting\multimedia\logs (Multimedia / Contact Center Troubleshooting Logs)
- C:\Program Files\Avaya Call Reporting\multimedia\bin\app (.hprof memory dump logs)
- Chronicall
- 32 Bit - Chronicall
- Linux -
- 32 Bit - Chronicall
- var/lib/Xima\ Software/Chronicall/tomcat/logs (Chronicall Troubleshooting Logs)
- var/lib/Xima\ Software/Chronicall/recording library/logs (Logs from Recording Library if you use voice recording)
- var/lib/Xima\ Software/Chronicall/multimedia/tomcat/logs (Multimedia Troubleshooting Logs)
- var/lib/Xima\ Software/Chronicall/bin/app (.hprof memory dump logs)
- 64 Bit
- Chronicall
- var/lib/Chronicall/tomcat/logs (Chronicall Troubleshooting Logs)
- var/lib/Chronicall/logs (Raw .xml logs from PBX)
- var/lib/Chronicall/bin/app (.hprof memory dump logs)
- Avaya Call Reporting
- var/lib/avaya\ call\ reporting/tomcat/logs (Chronicall Troubleshooting Logs)
- var/lib/avaya\ call\ reporting/logs (Raw .xml logs from PBX)
- var/lib/avaya\ call\ reporting/bin/app (.hprof memory dump logs)
- Chronicall
- 32 Bit - Chronicall
- 32 Bit - Chronicall
- You can delete any older logs you don't think will be necessary, with a recommendation to keep the last two weeks for troubleshooting. It will not let you delete logs that are currently in use.
- NOTE: If Chronicall is creating large logs at an alarming rate, feel free to contact Xima Support to see if there may be an underlying issue, or an advanced form of logging turned on in the advanced settings