Issue Description
Chronicall is not connecting to IP Office, the red bell says "Check PBX IP Address."
Applicable Systems
- Avaya IPO
Applicable Chronicall Versions
- 3.8.6
- 3.10
Applicable Operating Systems
- Windows Server
After switching from System Monitor to DevLink3 in IP Office and entering all of the correct settings for DevLink3 in IPO and Chronicall, Chronicall still hitting issues on connection. This can also cause Cradle to Grave to display jumbled data without New Logging enabled.
There are a few things we can do to help resolve this issue:
1-Telnet the port DevLink uses (50797) using the Telnet Windows feature. If Chronicall cannot connect to IPO on this port it likely pertains to the port being blocked by a local or network firewall, or a local antivirus for example. You will see a black screen if the Telnet is successful (Telnet needs to be enabled first as a Windows Feature).
(Replace the IP address above with the actual IP address of your IP Office)
For Linux - Enter the below command:
telnet <enter IPO's IP address> 50797
If the command comes back with a "Connect failed" message, the port is closed and will need to be opened on the firewall.
If you received a "command not found" message, Telnet will need to be installed first:
For Debian run: apt install telnet
For Red Hat run: yum install telnet
2- Now we will want to enable IP Office New Logging to address the inaccurate data in Cradle to Grave. Access the hidden advanced setting (Shift+click on Advanced settings) and set "IP Office New Logging" to 'True' and then save the settings.