The Recording Library solution allows Chronicall to organize your Voicemail Pro recordings within Cradle to Grave. Chronicall does this by taking the .wav files from the Voicemail Pro’s VRL directory and using the recording metadata to match it to a call within Chronicall’s database. This article will guide you on how the Avaya and Chronicall software should be setup.
- NOTE: If you have IP Office 10.1 or later, please update Chronicall to 3.12.5 or later and follow this article for Linux to Windows FTP setup
There are two methods one could take to set up the Recording Library to get the recordings. Both are shown below:
Option 1: Install the Recording Library on the Linux server.
Option 2: Setup Samba to share recordings to a windows PC.
Option 3: Utilize Voicemail Pro SFTP
Option 1: Install the Recording Library on the Linux server
Step 1) Install the Recording Library on the Voicemail Pro server.
Scenario A: Chronicall is installed on the same server as Voicemail Pro.
If Chronicall has been installed on the server hosting Voicemail Pro then the recording library may already have been installed. You can verify this by viewing the /etc/init.d directory and looking for recording_library.
ls /etc/init.d
If the Chronicall Recording Library service is not on the server then you can install it by downloading and running a Chronicall Update (not the Recording Library setup). Look here for an article on how to update, including Linux instructions.
Scenario B: Chronicall is not installed on the same server as the Voicemail Pro.
It is possible to install Recording Library on a server where Chronicall is not installed. This requires a separate setup file, called Recording Library Setup in 3.9.4 and earlier (or App Installer 3.95 and up), to be installed on the server with Voicemail Pro. The setup file is available from the Chronicall downloads page.
Change to a common directory (like the Administrator's home directory)
cd /home/Administrator
Download the Recording Library Setup for Linux onto the Linux server. One trick to getting the download link is to right click the Recording Library download and select Copy Link Address.
wget -O recording_library.zip "ENTER DOWNLOAD LINK HERE"
Unzip the downloaded file using unzip, followed by the filename.
unzip ipoffice_chronicall_update_3_6_50.zip
Run a command to change update.sh into an executable file.
chmod +x update.sh
The last step is to launch update.sh . No additional parameters or arguments are needed.
Option 2: Setup Samba to share recordings to a windows PC
- NOTE: As of IP Office 10.1, Samba share is no longer supported by Avaya. You MUST use the built-in FTP function of the Voicemail Pro to push recordings to Chronicall outlined in Option 3 above.
Step 1) Setup Samba Sharing
The Samba files need to be updated so that the right directory is shared and so users can access the shared directory. For your convenience, these files have already been modified and will just need to be downloaded then replace the previous files. To do this:
Change to a common directory (like the Administrator's home directory)
cd /home/Administrator
Download the samba files
wget http://media.ximasoftware.com/tools/smbfiles.zip
Stop the Samba service
service smb stop
Unzip the downloaded file
unzip smbfiles.zip
Replace the old samba files with the newly downloaded ones
mv -f smbusers /etc/samba/
mv -f smb.conf /etc/samba/
Start the Samba service and set the service to begin at bootup
service smb start
chkconfig smb on
Give the VRL folder full permissions
chmod 777 /opt/vmpro/VRL
Step 2) Configure the Recording Library
Once Recording Library is installed, open Chronicall and go into System Settings > Recording Library > Recording Libraries "..." button.
Click Add
Select the Recording Library Type
Edit the following fields
- Recording Library IP Address: Enter the IP Address of the server where the Recording Library was installed.
- Chronicall Server Address: Enter the IP Address of the server where Chronicall was installed.
- Monitored Recording Directory: Enter the file path to the VRL directory
- If Option 1 was followed, then enter /opt/vmpro/VRL
- If Option 2 was followed, then enter //ipaddress_of_vmpro_server/VRL
- If Option 3 was followed, then enter the specified SFTP path (something like C:\Program Files (x86)\freeFTPd\sftproot\Administrator\VmproVrl)
- Recording Storage Location: (optional) Configure where the Recordings will be stored. This defaults to be in the Recording Library directory. For more information on Storage Pools, see this article. Note: If your hard drive is not very large then you should configure a storage pool that stores recordings onto another server.
Save the Recording Library and System Settings when complete. You should see the Recording Library Status show “Running”. If this is not running, try restarting the Recording Library service.
Step 3) Configuring Call Recording within the IP office
Once Recording Library is set up, you will need to configure the IP Office to record calls. See this support article for details on that. For assistance with this portion your Avaya Reseller will be your best resource.
Potential Issues
Occasionally the Recording Library’s settings.txt file will not update after your changes have been made. Open this file and verify that the CHRONICALL_SERVER_ADDRESS, VOICE_MAIL_SYSTEM_ID, and CHRONICALL_SERVER_PORT are correct.