Chronicall is a versatile and robust call history and reporting suite. As such, a small amount of configuration may be required at the user level. Some users may find it necessary or desirable to customize the system to meet their specific infrastructure or security needs. The System Settings tab, found in the Administration section of the Chronicall Homepage, contains everything you might need to do so. After making changes, be sure to press Save at the bottom of the screen.
Basic Settings

- CDR Database App Port -
- CDR Database WebUI Port -
- Call Cost Profiles - Call Cost Profiles for Chronicall to use on "Rate" reports
- Chronicall Path – The directory where Chronicall is installed.
- Database Port – The local TCP port the PostgreSQL database will use.
- Desktop Chat (Internal) - Set Permission for who can initiate a chat.
- Emergency Numbers - Define what numbers are emergency numbers.
- Notify for minor updates - Set to true for an update link when available.
- Past PBX Groups - Query for groups no longer in the phone systems
- Past PBX Users - Query for agents no longer in the phone systems
- Proxy Address – Proxy server where outbound connections are sent.
- Proxy Port – Port number used by the Proxy server.
- Proxy Username – Some Proxy servers have user authentication enabled. Enter the username here.
- Proxy Password – Password for the Proxy server.
- Realtime Port – If Realtime is installed, separate TCP connections are made by web clients using this port.
- Report Email Address – Email address to send scheduled reports and recordings from.
- SMTP Encryption - Select the encryption type of the desired SMTP host
- SMTP Host – By default, Chronicall uses a secure internal SMTP client to send all emails and attachments. This is ideal in most circumstances because it eliminates some configuration during installation, uses less memory than a general SMTP service, and has been specialized to send Chronicall reports. However, some users may find it necessary or advantageous to use a third-party email server such as Microsoft Exchange Server or Apache JAMES. Specify this server in the SMTP Host field.
- SMTP Port – The TCP port used by the SMTP Host. The default is 25 for servers that do not use SSL security.
- SMTP Username – Your SMTP username.
- SMTP Password – Your SMTP password.
- Send Test SMTP Email - Can try to send an email with this option; however, a scheduled report is the best way to test.
- Serial Key – The serial key currently used by Chronicall. Click the button next to it to unregister your serial key.
- Webserver Port – The TCP port web clients will connect to. The default is 9080.
Advanced Settings

- CDR Database Host - location of the CDR database (if used)
- CDR Database Password - password for the CDR database
- Daily Realtime Backend Restart - when configured will restart the Realtime Sub-system once per day
- Data Grid Alternate Java Home - define the location of Java for the datagrid
- Data Grid Block Size - the size of one block of data in the data grid
- Data Grid Max Cache (in weeks) - the number of weeks in the past to cache to memory
- Data Grid Max Wait on Block - the timeout for waiting on a data block to return before querying the disk.
- Data Grid Node Memory Usage % - percent allowed of memory for data grid
- Data Grid Pre-Load Strategy - select if/how the data grid pre-populates data.
- Data Grid Primary Node Memory - size of the data grid
- Database Concurrent Queries - number of allowed simultaneous queries
- Database Host – The IP address or computer name of the server running the database service.
- Database Service Name – The name of the Windows or Linux process that identifies the database service. This can be changed so you can have more than one instance of PostgreSQL running at a time.
- Database User – The username for the database connection.
- Database Password – The password for the database connection.
- Debug Output – When enabled, Chronicall will add extra debug output to the log files. This should only be turned on during troubleshooting.
- Demo Mode – In demo mode, you can load and use example data for presentations and training. Chronicall will not record actual data while in demo mode.
- Java 64-bit home - location of 64 Bit Java
- Legacy Reports – Enables the use of the legacy reporting system alongside the new reporting system.
- Output SQL – Tells Chronicall to record each SQL query to the log files.
- Trial Mode – Allows you to toggle Trial mode. Without a full license, trial installations of Chronicall expire in two weeks.
- Verbose Debug Output – Adds additional information to debug reports. This option is useful for advanced troubleshooting.
- Web Server Connector Port – Internal port number used by the web server. The default value should not interfere with One-X Portal and other Tomcat web servers.
- Web Server Redirect Port – Internal port number used by the web server. The default value should not interfere with One-X Portal and other Tomcat web servers.
- Web Server Shutdown Port – Internal port number used by the web server. The default value should not interfere with One-X Portal and other Tomcat web servers.
Agent Realtime Seat

- Enabled Agents – Allows you to choose the agents you would like to capture Realtime data about. You can choose as many agents as you have Realtime agent seat licenses.
Recording Library
For recording library settings click here for our guide site. The configuration is different depending on if you are using VMPRO, Active Recording, VRTX, Port Mirror, or Shoretel or Cisco to record calls.
Standard Reports

- Paper Size – Choose the size of paper you would like to use for your reports. This affects the way reports are displayed, as well as printed.
- First Day of Week – Set Sunday or Monday to be the first day of the week as it appears on reports.
- Timestamp Format – Choose the time format you would like to use for your reports.
Custom Reports
This section does not contain any settings or options. It simply shows you that the Custom Reports module has been purchased.