First, let's review how our other solutions collect phone data
- As the image above implies, other systems simply collect data, translate it, and display it in Realtime / enter it into the database
- Note that this is very simplified, but will help explain the differences with Cisco
Below is an image that details how the Cisco solution collects details
- As you can see, there are a lot of channels through which we receive data. They are:
- UCM server
- JTAPI events from each phone (live)
- UCM server
- CDR legs (delayed)
- This is required to log anything into the database
- NOTE: We pull CDR data periodically (based on the CDR Polling Interval (seconds) setting), and each time we do we pull the full day's worth
- This is required to log anything into the database
- CDR legs (delayed)
- Unity server
- CSV monitor stream (live)
- UCCX server
- UCCX CTI Protocol events (live)
- UCM server
Each source individually is incomplete, but having all the data gives us a better picture
- Chronicall is built to review all the data and then create the most accurate interpretation of what happened
- Each system will have at least the JTAPI and CDR sources, then the Unity and UCCX sources can be added if the customer has them
Notice that Realtime will display events before the data goes through the Augmentation, the process where we interpret the various data sources
- The following behaviors are a result of this:
- The data shown in Realtime may not exactly match the data we log in Call Detail View
- CDR data is required to log any information into the database, but it is not required for Realtime
- Therefore, if the CDR connection is broken, this may result in Realtime showing active call information at the same time as Chronicall not logging calls into the database
- Recent calls may take a few seconds to minutes to populate in Call Detail View
Final Note: When looking through XML logs, there will be source information that will let you see what data came from which channel.