If you come across an issue with Chronicall/ACR in the HTML Interface/CCAC that needs to be escalated to the Xima Support Team or is already well in progress, this is how you can export debug information from Google Chrome for Xima to further investigate.
- If you also need to enable the Accumulator Debug Option for CCaaS, see this article here.
- It is recommended per design that multiple instances of the same user account are not logged in concurrently.
- As per best practice, please ensure Chrome is up-to-date and reviewed for any issues with third-party extensions.
- Open up Chrome and navigate toward the page where you are experiencing an issue or need to gather data on
- NOTE: Be careful not to start replicating the issue yet, you want to get the dev tools open before you replicate the issue from beginning to end
- Open the Developer Tools by clicking the 3 vertical dots at the top-right of Chrome, select More tools > Developer Tools, or simply hit the keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+I (as in India)
- The Developer tools panel will open on the right-hand side of the screen by default
- The Developer tools panel will open on the right-hand side of the screen by default
- From here, you will select the Network tab which will default to showing all requests from the page you're on
- If the box for 'Preserve Log' is not selected in the Network section, enable this box is checked to ensure no HAR data is lost between page refreshes
- NOTE: Development has requested this be selected especially if these logs are to be submitted for a Jira
- See below for where this selection is:
- See below for where this selection is:
- NOTE: Development has requested this be selected especially if these logs are to be submitted for a Jira
- Refresh your page with CTRL+R (or F5) which will load new network data
- Here you can undock the Developer Tools if you want to free up the screen real estate since it is ideal to have this running for every call for our support agents (...) > Undock in a Separate Window
- Replicate the issue in full
- To export this data, select the 'Export HAR...' option, which is a downward-facing arrow, as shown below:
- Save the file with a name of your choosing and share it with the appropriate representative at Xima
- To also grab the console logs, simply switch from the Network tab to the Console tab
- Right-click anywhere within the Console window and hit 'Save as...' to save it to a LOG file
- Now you should have the files Xima will need to diagnose the problem as you have replicated the HTML issue while these tabs were open
NOTE: As per design,