This article covers troubleshooting VMPRO recordings, that show a gray or missing icon.
NOTE: This is a legacy article - We do have updated methods of linking up via SFTP to the VMPRO Server
- Updated articles here
Potential Causes Include:
- Issues with the VMPRO and Chronicall configuration
- Issues with the VMPRO and Windows configuration
- Issues with the VMPRO and Linux configuration
- Unassociated recordings
- Recording Library ran out of ports
- Chronicall Service Permission Issues
- Recordings are being shortened by VMPRO settings
Follow the steps below to diagnose your VMPRO and Recording Library issues.
Recording Library Status
- Now we will want to verify the overall status of Chronicall and the Recording Library.
- On the Chronicall Home Screen, left-click the Bell in the top right corner as shown below. This will help us understand what Recording Library issues may be occurring.
Chronicall Setup
- Inside Chronicall, navigate to Admin (System) > System Settings > Recording Libraries
- Select the Recording Library in question, and then Edit
- Verify the following settings:
- Recording Library IP Address - IP address of the server with the Chronicall Recording Library software installed
- Server Address - IP address for the Chronicall server
Monitored Recording Directory - Local or Network Path for the VRL (Voice Recording Library) directory
NOTE: Only use the Avaya VRL Directory for the Monitored Directory if it is on a network share, or if the Recording Library is installed local on the VMPRO server.
- For IP Office 10.1 and above - In the Avaya Web Manager, in the General section under System Preferences, there is a setting called Archive Solutions. When Media Manager is the selected Archive Solution, recordings will be placed in /vmpro/MM/VRL folder. When Contact Recorder is set as the Archive Solution, recordings will be placed in /vmpro/VRL folder. This setting should be set to Contact Recorder.
- On IPO 11, the archive solution is Media Manager (/vmpro/MM/VRL) and cannot be changed.
NOTE: Only use the Avaya VRL Directory for the Monitored Directory if it is on a network share, or if the Recording Library is installed local on the VMPRO server.
Avaya Manager Recording Rule Review
- Ensure the user in question is set to be recorded in Avaya Manager, with the destination of Voice Recording Library
If recordings are still not showing up, we will want to verify in Avaya Manager that the agent in question is set to be recorded by Avaya's recording rules, with the directory set to Voice Recording Library.
- Disregard the recording rules section in Chronicall if you are recording all your calls via VMPRO. The Chronicall recording rules only pertain to a VRTX recording device for Avaya IP Office.
- Log into Avaya Manager for IP Office. Select Users > User > Voice Recording.
- Verify the user is set to be recorded, and the destination is set to Voice Recording Library.
- For IP Office 10.1 and 10.2 there is an additional setting you need to change. On version 11 and up it does not matter, as Avaya has a built-in SFTP.
- Log into the Voicemail Pro Client.
- Navigate to Administration > Preferences > General.
- There is a setting called Archive Solutions. When Media Manager is the selected Archive Solution, recordings will be placed in /opt/vmpro/MM/VRL.
- When Contact Recorder is set as the Archive Solution, recordings will be placed in opt/vmpro/VRL. This setting should be set to the Contact Recorder.
- For IP Office 10.1 and 10.2 there is an additional setting you need to change. On version 11 and up it does not matter, as Avaya has a built-in SFTP.
Linux Setup
If Chronicall is on a separate server from the VMPRO server, you will need an FTP solution so Chronicall can pull the .wav recordings from the VRL directory.
- Verify you setup via this article covering the Recording Library setup.
- Log into Linux with ROOT access.
- Verify the VRL folder exists at the directory shown below.
chmod 777 /opt/vmpro/VRL
- If so, use the chmod 777 command to open up permissions for that directory.
- Now restart the Chronicall Recording Library service.
- Chronicall should be able to pull recordings from this location now that we have adjusted permissions.
- You can also monitor this folder to verify recordings are coming into it from Avaya.
- Now copy that file path, and paste it into the file explorer to see if the Chronicall server can edit the files in that directory over the network share to test access from the Chronicall server.
- Prior to IP Office version 11 we would usually suggest the third party software such as Samba or FreeFTP for the FTP solution. As of version 11, Avaya has suggested we use their built-in FTP to make the network directory available to the Chronicall server.
- If you notice the Samba service isn't running and are using Samba as your FTP solution, or failing to start please refer to this article. We have seen the settings file corrupt and recreating the smb.conf text file resolves this issue.
- Refer to the Chronicall Setup section above to verify your Monitored Recording Directory matches the file paths where Avaya is placing the .wav audio recordings.
- Now that we know what the VRL path is on the VMPRO server, update the Monitored Recording Directory field to the file path of where the recordings are being stored if it is different.
- Select OK and save the Chronicall settings.
- Go back to the Recording Library terminal and restart the Recording Library service.
Unassociated Recordings
The Chronicall service and the Recording Library service are two separate processes. Chronicall will log the call data while Avaya's Voicemail Pro records the call. Once the call is finished the Recording Library will attempt to associate the recording with a call record using the audio files metadata.
If it cannot find a call to associate with, and "Keep Unassociated" is set to True within the Recording Library Configuration, the recording will be listed in Cradle to Grave separately as a "Call Recorded".
You will usually see the recording listed right above or below the call with the grayed out play icon.
- To help identify what issue is affecting your audio recordings, go to Reporting > Cradle to Grave (or Call Reporting for CDR data).
- Select the previous business day for your date, and hit Execute at the bottom. This will display all the calls in Chronicall's Database for yesterday.
- Cradle to Grave will show you if you are getting all recordings, some recordings, or no recordings. If you see a grayed-out recording icon, that means the call met a recording rule but didn't capture.
- In the screen below, you can see a call with a green/purple play icon that was captured via the VMRPO. Below that is a gray icon, indicating the call met a recording rule but did not capture.
- Keep in mind calls with less than a 10-second talking event will not capture. Here it can be helpful to filter Cradle to Grave based on inbound and outbound calls, by agents that should be recorded. You can also filter out all calls with a talking event of > 10 seconds.
- Ensure you are enabled to see unassociated recordings in Cradle to Grave and are searching the previous day as it takes 8 hours for an unassociated call to show up.
- Click here to see how to display unassociated recordings.
- The most common reason for unassociated recordings is due to a time difference between the audio recording and time for the call in the database.
- This can be resolved by making sure both the Chronicall and Voicemail Pro server are not more than a second or two apart from eachother.
- If you do not see any unassociated calls for the previous day, I would recommend placing a test call to an agent set to be recorded in VMPRO.
- See if it generates a .wav file for the recording in the Avaya VRL directory on the VMPRO server.
- We recommend you stop the Recording Library service for this step, so Chronicall doesn't automatically pull the recording from the VRL directory. This will give you a chance to see if you can play it to verify the recording is being generated by Avaya first.
Out of Ports
- Ensure there is no Out Of Ports folder in the Recording Library Directory, at the file paths below.
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Xima Software\Chronicall\recording library
- C:\Program Files\\Chronicall\recording library
- /var/lib/Xima\ Software/Chronicall/recording\ library
- If there is, your recording issue is that you are running out of recording ports.
- You will need to reach out to your reseller to upgrade your Recording Library license if you see an out of ports folder.
- The amount of your licensed recording ports corresponds to how many recordings will be captured at any one moment.
- If you have 8 recording ports, and 10 active calls that meet a recording rule happening at once, the last 2 recordings will not show in Cradle to Grave.
- Additional recording ports are retroactive, so any recordings stuck in this directory can still be recovered if enough ports are allocated through a port upgrade.
Chronicall Service Permissions
- Verify the VRL folder on the VMPRO server is shared and showing across the network.
- You can do this by taking the VRL path, and inputting into the file explorer on the Chronicall server.
- If you can hit that folder, the Chronicall server can see it across the network.
- On the Chronicall server, access the Windows Services and locate the Chronicall Recording Library service. Right-click on it and go to Properties.
- Select the Log On tab, and then This account. Input your Administrator Credentials for this service to use going forward.
- Once you have updated this and hit OK, you can restart the Chronicall Recording Library service to force it to sync again. You will now see files coming over if this was the source of your issue, after verifying the folder is already shared on the network
Shortened VMPRO Recordings
- Log into VMPRO and navigate to Administration > Preferences (Avaya Article Reference)
Navigate to the General tab, and adjust the Max Call\VRL Record Length (Secs) accordingly based on second intervals