Chronicall can be installed on a machine that does not connect to the internet, but this type of install still requires an Internet connection on a separate computer. Please follow the directions below:
- NOTE: If this is an actually offline server, it is recommended to put two exceptions in their hosts file so that we won't attempt to reach out across the internet to verify things. Follow this article: Troubleshoot a Slow Chronicall Login
- NOTE: The pc_info_extractor requires the use of Java 7 or Java 8 JRE
Windows Offline Setup
- Download the PC Info Extractor Tool from the pc_info_extractor.exe attachment at the bottom of this article
- Transfer the Extractor Tool to the offline Chronicall server.
- Run the Extractor Tool
- This will create a file named chronicall_infohash.bin.
- Move the chronicall_infohash.bin file off of the Chronicall or Avaya Call Reporting server.
- Use the 'New Ticket' link at the top-right of this page and attach that file to the ticket
- Xima Support will upload your info hash and respond with a license file.
- Copy this file onto the offline Chronicall server and save it in an easily accessible location.
Note: The following step is for new Chronicall / ACR installs only. You do not ever want to run a new setup file on an existing Chronicall / ACR server.
- Run Chronicall Setup. During setup, the installer will request the license file.
Linux Offline Setup
- Download the extractor jar and script to the /home directory using the links below.
- You will need to right-click the Extractor Script and "Save Link As" to generate the (Note: The Java installed on the server must be Oracle JRE, not OpenJDK and must be 64-bit)
- Extractor Script or select from the attachments at the bottom of this article
- Extractor Jar or select extracter.jar from the attachments at the bottom of this article
- Navigate to the home directory and change the permissions on file to make it executable by using chmod
chmod +x
- Launch the script using:
- Use the 'New Ticket' link at the top-right of this page to send the resulting chronicall_infohash.bin to Xima Support and we'll send the license file back
- When running the Chronicall installation you will need to add the -license parameter to the command pointing at the license file location as shown in the screenshot below.
- This would be the license file sent by Xima Support covered in the steps above
- Ensure you include the -serial as shown below, (the arrow is covering the actual serial number in the screenshot)
NOTE: Please note that important functionality & features of the software rely on the connection to the needed external URLs, ports, and more when considering an offline install. Please see the Exclusion & Ports articles below for more information on this: